نعتذر , لا نستطيع ايجاد الصفحة المطلوبة الصفحة الرئيسية

السبت، 21 يوليو 2018

الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة تعلن عن توفر عدد كبير من الفرص الوظيفية في جميع الكليات الوظائف المعلن عنها #لايشترط_الجنسية

اخر تحديث ٢١ يوليو ٢٠١٨ 

College of Architecture, Art and Design

كلية العمارة والفن والتصميم
  1. Head of the Department of Art and Design

College of Arts and Sciences

كلية الآداب والعلوم
  1. Adjunct Faculty Position in Islamic Philosophy
  2. Adjunct Positions in The Teaching of Arab Heritage
  3. Adjunct Chemistry Faculty Position in the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (BCE)—Fall Semester 2018
  4. Adjunct Biology Faculty Position in the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (BCE)—Fall Semester 2018
  5. Visiting Faculty Position in History
  6. Visiting Faculty Position in Mathematics
  7. Adjunct Faculty Position in Sociology
  8. Adjunct Faculty Position in Middle Eastern History
  9. Adjunct Faculty Position in Psychology

College of Engineering

كلية الهندسة
  1. Faculty Position in the Department of Electrical Engineering
  2. Faculty Position in Engineering Systems Management
  3. Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  4. Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  5. Adjunct Instructors in the Department of Industrial Engineering
  6. Faculty Position in the Department of Chemical Engineering
  7. Head of the Department of Civil Engineering
  8. Faculty Position in Mechanical Engineering
  9. Lecturer Position in Civil Engineering
  10. Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering
  11. Lecturer Position in Chemical Engineering
  12. Lecturer in Industrial Engineering
  13. Lecturer Position in Electrical Engineering

Senior Administration Positions

المناصب الإدارية 
  1. University Librarian               
  2. Director of Business Development

Staff Positions

وظائف عامة
  1. Budget and Planning Analyst
  2. Safety Engineer - Office of Safety and Crisis Management
  3. Post-Award Grant Specialist- Office of the Chief Research Officer
  4. Senior Administrative Assistant - College of Engineering
  5. First-Year Experience Coordinator- Academic Support Center
  6. Internal Auditor
  7. Project Executive- Operations - AUS Enterprises
  8. Information Security Specialist - Information Technology
  9. Assessment Manager, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis
  10. Public Relations Specialist
  11. Application Analyst

Academic Staff

وظائف أكاديمية
  1. Laboratory Instructor - Chemistry
  2. Laboratory Specialist (Material Fabrication Labs)
  3. High-Performance Computing (HPC) Computational Scientist              

Part-Time Positions

وظائف بدوام جزئي
  1. Administrative Assistant (Temporary) (3 positions) – Office of Chief of Research
  2. Enrollment Agent (Temporary)-Office of Enrollment Management

لبدء التقديم من الموقع الرسمي للجامعةwww.aus.edu/employment
ثم اتبع الصورة للتنقل بين الكليات 
ثم اختر الكلية أو قسم الوظيفة المذكورة أعلاه 
ربي يوفقكم ... الإماراتي للتوظيف 🇦🇪

الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة تعلن عن توفر عدد كبير من الفرص الوظيفية في جميع الكليات

الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة تعلن عن توفر عدد كبير من الفرص الوظيفية في جميع الكليات

الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة تعلن عن توفر عدد كبير من الفرص الوظيفية في جميع الكليات الوظائف المعلن عنها #لايشترط_الجنسية

اخر تحديث ٢١ يوليو ٢٠١٨ 

College of Architecture, Art and Design

كلية العمارة والفن والتصميم
  1. Head of the Department of Art and Design

College of Arts and Sciences

كلية الآداب والعلوم
  1. Adjunct Faculty Position in Islamic Philosophy
  2. Adjunct Positions in The Teaching of Arab Heritage
  3. Adjunct Chemistry Faculty Position in the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (BCE)—Fall Semester 2018
  4. Adjunct Biology Faculty Position in the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (BCE)—Fall Semester 2018
  5. Visiting Faculty Position in History
  6. Visiting Faculty Position in Mathematics
  7. Adjunct Faculty Position in Sociology
  8. Adjunct Faculty Position in Middle Eastern History
  9. Adjunct Faculty Position in Psychology

College of Engineering

كلية الهندسة
  1. Faculty Position in the Department of Electrical Engineering
  2. Faculty Position in Engineering Systems Management
  3. Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  4. Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  5. Adjunct Instructors in the Department of Industrial Engineering
  6. Faculty Position in the Department of Chemical Engineering
  7. Head of the Department of Civil Engineering
  8. Faculty Position in Mechanical Engineering
  9. Lecturer Position in Civil Engineering
  10. Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering
  11. Lecturer Position in Chemical Engineering
  12. Lecturer in Industrial Engineering
  13. Lecturer Position in Electrical Engineering

Senior Administration Positions

المناصب الإدارية 
  1. University Librarian               
  2. Director of Business Development

Staff Positions

وظائف عامة
  1. Budget and Planning Analyst
  2. Safety Engineer - Office of Safety and Crisis Management
  3. Post-Award Grant Specialist- Office of the Chief Research Officer
  4. Senior Administrative Assistant - College of Engineering
  5. First-Year Experience Coordinator- Academic Support Center
  6. Internal Auditor
  7. Project Executive- Operations - AUS Enterprises
  8. Information Security Specialist - Information Technology
  9. Assessment Manager, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis
  10. Public Relations Specialist
  11. Application Analyst

Academic Staff

وظائف أكاديمية
  1. Laboratory Instructor - Chemistry
  2. Laboratory Specialist (Material Fabrication Labs)
  3. High-Performance Computing (HPC) Computational Scientist              

Part-Time Positions

وظائف بدوام جزئي
  1. Administrative Assistant (Temporary) (3 positions) – Office of Chief of Research
  2. Enrollment Agent (Temporary)-Office of Enrollment Management

لبدء التقديم من الموقع الرسمي للجامعةwww.aus.edu/employment
ثم اتبع الصورة للتنقل بين الكليات 
ثم اختر الكلية أو قسم الوظيفة المذكورة أعلاه 
ربي يوفقكم ... الإماراتي للتوظيف 🇦🇪

بعض الأعمال التي قمنا بها من قبل


خدماتنا المتوفرة بأرقى اللمسات و أفضل الأسعار

عدد المواضيع فى الصفحات

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لـ وظائف في الإمارات والبحرين